Funny Story...
So, before my husband and I got married, we lived in the same subdivision.... on the same street for 4 years but, that's not how we met. Weird, huh? (I'll tell you the details of that story when you come in for your session ;-)) When we got married, we moved into the home I lived in and rented my husband's home. As my photography business expanded and I began to burst out of the seams of my small 9x9 former office/studio, I started to seek out commercial studio space. I was talking to a good friend about my searched and they asked me, "why don't you just use your other house?" What a novel idea! I thought... if I'm going to pay someone's mortgage, it may as well be my own :-)
At that time, we had a tenant in the house so I told myself if the tenant ever moved out, I'd use the space as a studio. Well, either someone called my bluff or the photography gods were on my side because no more than a month after I said that, our tenant informed us that they were relocating. Whoa!
So, I went from less than 100 square feet of space to over 1700... woohooo! :-) One of my clients described it best, "the space of a commercial office but the coziness of a home." It really couldn't get any better than that!!! :-)
Come check it out for yourself! :)