Funny story.
Before my husband and I got married, we lived in the same subdivsion… on the same street… for 4 years… and had never, ever seen each other before. What’s even more funny is that, no, that’s not how we eventually met. lol. When you schedule your session with me I’ll definitely tell you the rest of that story 🙂
Anywho, long story short, as CCP grew, I started to look for commercial space to open a studio outside of my home and a good friend made a great suggestion, “why don’t you just use your other house?” (when we got married, we moved into one house and rented the other) How genius! It has plenty of space, it’s close to where I live and if I’m going to pay rent, I may as well pay my own mortgage rather than someone elses, right?? Exactly what I thought! 🙂 I told myself if our tenant ever decided to move that I would go for it… well, just a few short months later, our tenant informed us that she was relocating… Whoa. So here we are, in our new studio and loving every minute of it! 🙂
One of my clients described it best when she said, “it has the space of a commercial location but the comfort of a home”… BINGO! 🙂
AdrienneI’m looking for a studio too. Wish I had two homes. 🙂 Yours is beautiful!
Crystal ElizabethThanks so much Adrienne. It’s definitely a blessing 🙂